During a natural cycle once a month an oocyte is released from one of the ovaries and moves down the fallopian tubes, where it remains for 24-36 hours. During sexual intercourse within this time frame, the spermatozoa travel through the cervical canal and up the fallopian tubes, where they meet the oocyte, resulting in its fertilization. The fertilized oocyte will remain in the fallopian tube for 5-6 days and the embryo, which at this point is a blastocyst, will migrate towards the uterine cavity and implant in the endometrium to continue its development until birth.

Ovulation induction is the artificial stimulation of the ovaries to produce oocytes and is regulated by the center’s collaborating clinicians.

The ovaries are stimulated with a hormonal treatment (in the form of tablets and/or daily injections) chosen specifically for you, based on your clinical profile; this improves the chances for conception by increasing the number of oocytes that will be ovulated.

The development of the follicles where the oocytes develop is monitored using ultrasound scans, which also measure the thickness of the uterine lining, to ensure that it is suitable for implantation.

Ovulation may be induced by injection of a hormone called human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG). The hCG will make the oocytes become fully mature 36-48 hrs after the injection.

Following ovulation induction and maturation, fertilization can be achieved by natural intercourse, intra-uterine sperm insemination (IUI) or with in vitro fertilization (IVF).